Fishing the Rio Grande - Fish Art Prints


A fisherman in the evening is captured in this reprint of an original painting by Kathryn Wheeler. Reminisce of your own time on the river with this hanging on your wall. Made with fade-resistant inks, this wall art is sure to last for years of fishing trips to come. Experience not just the beauty of the Rio Grande, but also the artistry.

"While enjoying an early dinner on a restaurant’s deck overlooking the Rio Grande River, near Creede, Colorado, I watched as this fisherman appeared and slowly fished his way down the meandering river. Such an idyllic vision and surely a fisherman's dream."


Giclee Reproductions - This printing technology requires a high quality printer that uses archival pigment based inks on archival acid free paper and canvas products. The use of all archival products ensures that each print should not degrade, yellow or fade over time.

Both the Paper and Canvas print choices are open-ended Archival Giclee Reproductions.

    * Please allow 10 to 15 days for processing your order.